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Freitag, 26. März 2010

I CAN MAKE YOU THIN + CD NEW 2009 EDITION (Paperback) Kevin McKenna

Kevin McKenna? Make an educated guess;)) What a voice!

Leider muss ich mich von dieser CD trennen, denn ich konnte mich nicht auf den Inhalt selbiger konzentrieren, bei der Stimme von Kevin McKenna:)) Außerdem hab ich ja jetzt " the real thing" ( danke Tobi ) und das wirkt megamäßig! Info darüber gebe ich gerne weiter.

Dieses Buch und auch die CD sind in Englisch, und ehrlich: wer wie ich auf schöne Männerstimmen steht, für den ist das DIE CD. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Zu haben um € 20,-

Product Description

Would you like to eat whatever you want and still lose weight? Would you like to feel really happy with your body? Are you unable to lose those last 10 pounds? Do you find it difficult to say no to second helpings? Do you get disheartened about your eating habits and your weight? Then this amazing book and CD can help you! Welcome to a revolutionary way to stop overeating, control cravings and feel totally motivated to take exercise. Paul McKenna has developed a breakthrough weight-loss system that re-patterns your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about yourself, your health and food to help you easily take control of your diet and lose weight permanently. As you use Paul's amazing system, the latest psychological techniques will automatically help you to start losing weight straight away! You can use it again and again to make you feel happier about yourself as you go all the way to your ideal shape, size and weight.

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